Friday, June 20, 2014

Frugal, Functional Fashion Friday

I think those weekday name posts are silly (throw back Thursday etc) so this title comes with awareness and sarcasm.

Fashion and farming/homesteading/gardening don't usually go together, but hey, these are the kinds of things I think about. That's just who I am.

It's actually kind of a thing for me.

Most farm girls put on some kind of boot, a tee shirt and jeans and that is the farm-girl uniform. I wear skirts.

Ok, I don't look quite like that, but I do have a denim 'work apron' I do don too. I learned to farm and garden in skirts and I just like it better. In fact I hate pants all the time. I own a few pair to work out in or just for having I guess, but they're just not comfy.

What's the point? Ok, well I have this thing about clothes that a friend recently pointed out to me was pretty 'green' and I suppose it is, I never thought of it that way, but it is. And perhaps that's why it's so (exciting? pulling?) cool to me.

My thing: In a perfect world you get an article of clothing. It's new, it's nice. It's your nice clothes. If it were the 'olden days' it would be your town clothes. It would be your church clothes.

Over time it would get a little less than perfect and it would become around the house clothes and eventually so ratty it would just be work clothes until it died a 'rag' death ripped into shreds for cleaning.

Rather than have 13 church dresses, 100 things that would be for general public wear ranging from casual to dressy and if you had reason to go outside maybe 5-10 "work" grungy clothes.

Ok! So the super exciting part ~to me~ is what article of clothing could work, for me, here and now, and go from church to the grocery store to cleaning the house to gardening? (Like I said, I already wear skirts outside soo...)

Love it? I love it. I'd make mine all a *little* longer and perhaps even sew on some fabric at the bottom when it truly became a "work" item.

All you need are different cardigans/jackets/jewelry and these dresses can fit any occasion. See, like this:

From new to rags
From Church/Wedding wear, to normal daily wear, to work-outside wear

Now, all I have to do is find a maternity version :/

And learn to sew. And get a machine. That's all....

I suppose for the maternity season I will stick to smock top skirts and white shirts

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